عدد القراءات : 584  
Minister of Water and Environment has warned of a disastrous situation that will inflict on the water and sanitation sector due to the continued aggression by the aggression coalition in detaining oil derivatives ships and preventing them from entering Hodeidah port
Minister of Water and Environment Nabil Abdullah Al-Wazir has warned of a disastrous situation that will inflict on the water and sanitation sector due to the continued aggression by the aggression coalition in detaining oil derivatives ships and preventing them from entering Hodeidah port.The minister said in a statement to the Yemeni News Agency (Saba) that the detention of oil derivatives, including operating fuel diesel material will lead to a humanitarian and environmental disaster as a result of stopping pumping water as well as stop work in sewage stations in the governorates of the Republic.He called on the United Nations and international organizations to play their role and act swiftly to avoid a humanitarian and environmental catastrophe at the same time, especially with the spread of diseases and epidemics, especially the cholera epidemic, which efforts are still under way to combat it

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